So if I am going to spend so much time bitching about how much I clearly loathe school, why the hell am I considering torturing myself for another two years in Graduate school? I have always said, and my friends can attest to this, that "When I'm done, I'm done." What changed? This semester I have actually been enjoying one of the classes I am taking which is geared towards Interior Design students. I have always been fascinated by Interior Design and have ALWAYS felt it was something I would exceed at, but I was tricked! At my admissions interview when I said I was debating between fashion and design, I was pushed towards fashion only to find out almost three years later that I was pushed towards fashion because they were trying to develop the program, which at the time was in its infancy. So yeah, I'm a little pissed. But in a discussion with my professor last week she enlightened me with the option of Grad school. At first, I laughed in her face. Yet the more I thought about it I realized what a great experience it could be and how cool would it be to say I have my Master's Degree?! Yeah, exactly. Of course I blew my parents away when I brought up that their only child, who had always hated school wanted to continue her education. I have the most supportive parents anyone could ask for, and they would support any decision I make. But of course the first thing they said to me was, "The key to Grad school is finding a job that will send you to go for free." Emphasis on the word FREE. Can you really blame them for not wanting to spend another 40 grand +?! Especially after I made the switch two years in from one of the least expensive schools in Massachusetts, to a private college in Boston. So no, I can't blame them either. However, nobody knows me like I do and if I don't go to school right after I graduate, which God willing will be in December, then I can't see still wanting to go. But who knows! A lot can happen in five months! Hopefully my next post won't be so far down the line that it's to tell you that I started applying to schools.
So now that you're all caught up on what's been going on in the life of Jenn, and if I somewhat still have your attention I'll get to what this Blog is really about...FASHION!
There is a current trend that I am absolutely drooling over: Sheer Chiffon Tops!!!!!!
What I love about a sheer chiffon top is that pretty much everyone can wear it. And if you can possibly remember from my other posts, I'm not one of those girls who weighs 100 lbs. soaking wet and can wear whatever the hell I want. (Although I am currently doing P90X, so there's hope) A sheer chiffon top is great for the summer because of how light and airy it is. If you're a skinny mini, why the hell not wear a bandeau underneath or rock a bra at night. Hey, if you can pull it off, go for it! But if you're like me and a little more self conscious slap on a spaghetti strap tank underneath and you're ready to go! They look great, can be warn day or night, and most importantly are thin enough to keep you a little cooler during these hot summer months. I always love an item of clothing with multiple uses. Pair it with jeans or shorts during the day, and a bandage skirt at night and you easily have two outfits in one. Another great use for a sheer chiffon top is layering it over a little black dress. You know, those really tight ones that you love to wear but don't always feel great in after that late night drunken hamburger that you always regret the next morning? Just toss on a sheer chiffon top and you've got your tank and bandage skirt in one. And hey, if you're feeling a bit frisky just take it off and fold it into your me their thin enough where it works.
PacSun and I love it. Another great place for these shirts is Nordstrom, which is usually my suggestion for everything.
WallpapHer 'Christina' Top (Juniors)$28.00 Another place that is always a go to for me is Urban Outfitters. They almost always carry the latest trends and you can put together a mean outfit in a short period of time. Needless to say my bank account has taken several giant diggers from trips to Urban.

Urban Outfitters
Silence & Noise Double Breasted Chiffon Cardigan
This is SO GREAT! I fully, 100% believe in you, Jenn! You'll do everything you put your mind to and more and I'm always here to support you. If I were a chick, I'd heed your fashion advice, too. <3