Two years ago when I transferred to school in Boston and became a Fashion and Retail Management major, blogging has been on my mind. Will anyone be interested in what I have to say? Am I qualified to make assessments in the fashion world? What if people don't like the things I say? These are all the questions furiously invading my mind that kept me from creating this blog for so long. Then, about a week ago I discovered my cousins blog and immediately immersed myself in the world he had created in the blogosphere. I was not only amazed by the product in which he had created but the courage it takes to put your work and writing out for public viewing. I found his blog (where he posts food recipes he has created and the steps to follow in text and pictures)inspiring, and practically obsessing over it for the past week I finally got that last kick of courage I needed to create my very own blog.
So here's the skinny...
Trends. One simple compact word that holds so much power in the fashion industry. Basically it's, stay on top of the latest trend or you have no fashion sense. I am all for self expression and I believe in being your own person. So I bet you're thinking, "Then why the hell do you want to be a part of the fashion industry?" Yes, fashion can be about following the masses but what about trend forecasting, trendsetters, the leaders in the fashion world who put new styles on the map? Revert back to Chanel's little black dress. Try and tell me you do not or have not owned a little black dress at some point. The great thing about fashion is that it is never finished. (Thank you The Social Network for that little tid bit) Fashion is always evolving and a new trend is created about as often as the newest cellphone is put out onto the market. By that yes, I do mean constantly. So to my mission: Follow these incoming and outgoing trends. Which ones will work? Which ones will just be a quick fad? These are the key questions to take into consideration when something new hits the shelves. Each week I will profile a different trend I have spotted and have taken an interest in. But wait, there's more. I have complied and extensive collection of sketches throughout the years that I have never quite had the chutzpah to put out there for the public to see. I figure at this point why not? So here goes nothing...
TREND OF THE WEEK: Cropped shirts
Their baaacckk. As most of us know fashion tends to be a circle. If you see an item disappear, there is a good chance it will make it's return 10-20 years later. Well my friends, the cropped shirt has done just that. I cannot say I fully support this everygrowing trend, I myself being the average American girl not weighing 100 pounds and comfortably flashing my stomach off however, I do own a few of these cropped shirts that I pair with a simple tank underneath. It is a great way to wear something you may not typically decide is something that would flatter your figure. But alas, they are popping up in every store, in every variety, in every color. My suggestions: Victoria's Secret and Urban Outfitters. They've got a great selection of cropped tees in a range of all different styles.

Both from Urban Outfitters
So here's the skinny...
Trends. One simple compact word that holds so much power in the fashion industry. Basically it's, stay on top of the latest trend or you have no fashion sense. I am all for self expression and I believe in being your own person. So I bet you're thinking, "Then why the hell do you want to be a part of the fashion industry?" Yes, fashion can be about following the masses but what about trend forecasting, trendsetters, the leaders in the fashion world who put new styles on the map? Revert back to Chanel's little black dress. Try and tell me you do not or have not owned a little black dress at some point. The great thing about fashion is that it is never finished. (Thank you The Social Network for that little tid bit) Fashion is always evolving and a new trend is created about as often as the newest cellphone is put out onto the market. By that yes, I do mean constantly. So to my mission: Follow these incoming and outgoing trends. Which ones will work? Which ones will just be a quick fad? These are the key questions to take into consideration when something new hits the shelves. Each week I will profile a different trend I have spotted and have taken an interest in. But wait, there's more. I have complied and extensive collection of sketches throughout the years that I have never quite had the chutzpah to put out there for the public to see. I figure at this point why not? So here goes nothing...
TREND OF THE WEEK: Cropped shirts
Their baaacckk. As most of us know fashion tends to be a circle. If you see an item disappear, there is a good chance it will make it's return 10-20 years later. Well my friends, the cropped shirt has done just that. I cannot say I fully support this everygrowing trend, I myself being the average American girl not weighing 100 pounds and comfortably flashing my stomach off however, I do own a few of these cropped shirts that I pair with a simple tank underneath. It is a great way to wear something you may not typically decide is something that would flatter your figure. But alas, they are popping up in every store, in every variety, in every color. My suggestions: Victoria's Secret and Urban Outfitters. They've got a great selection of cropped tees in a range of all different styles.

Both from Urban Outfitters
I love it already <3 Kayla